"From Myth to Miracle: Tales of Inspired Humanity" combines humanity's most ancient creation stories with real-life interviews of individuals who've overcome extraordinary challenges. Discover how to break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs, unlocking the inner strength needed to rewrite your personal story. Whether you're navigating mental blocks, chronic pain, or life's many adversities, this podcast will help you to discover the legend that is already within you, one that is a masterful, empowered representation of your best self ready to live your best life.

Each episode brings you inspiring stories from today, yesterday, and even glimpses of tomorrow, crossing paths with age-old fireside tales shared for over 45,000 years. Designed to transform, heal, and realign, these narratives will melt away blockages, open doors to new possibilities, and bring the seemingly impossible back within your reach.

Hosted by multi-award-winning Master Storyteller Adrian Beckingham, this podcast draws on his 40 years of experience in the transformative power of Story. Adrian shares how Story has healed disease, alleviated pain, enhanced focus, catapulted careers to new heights, rekindled happiness, and revitalized communities. With four decades spent immersing in indigenous cultures living as they did millennia ago, Adrian brings you the timeless mythos of humanity alongside empowering interviews with individuals who've risen above profound challenges. Join us to rediscover the art of walking tall — in heart, mind, and spirit.